Exploring moments of transformation, developing empathy, and navigating race and justice.


As a child I discovered the power of words to evoke huge feelings and I’ve been writing ever since. My writing explores the ways memory, connection, and identity shape our inner and outer landscapes.

I'm inspired to share stories that help us make sense of our lives and experiences — stories that offer windows into each other, and mirrors that help us see ourselves. My work has been published in Motherwell, Porcupine Literary, and others. I’ve just completed a memoir that traces the first 10 years of my teaching career and the hard and complicated lessons I learned as I figured out how to navigate race, become an adult, and teach well.

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Photo by Sam Zalutsky

Photo by Sam Zalutsky

About My Memoir

I joined Teach for America in 1991 to change the world. Instead, I lost my voice and confidence before the first week ended. My story of becoming an effective, empathetic teacher through discomfort and failure makes clear that my best teachers were always my students, and offers a counterbalance to the ways teachers are either pilloried or idealized.


What does it mean to be a “real” mother?

Counting to Infinity



Book Review: Surviving the White Gaze: A Memoir by Rebecca Carroll


Fire River